Fall Program - 1564 Meteor Impact ----- Dr. Jay Huebner

FALL PROGRAM: November 14, 2012---A Joint Meeting with the Jacksonville Historical Society
Social with wine and light hors d’oeuvres 6:30 pm
Price $15.00   Registration at the door.   Friends welcome!

Program: 7:00 pm.     
VENUE: Jacksonville Historical Society
                Old Saint Andrews Church, 
                317 A. Phillip Randolph Boulevard
                Jacksonville, FL 32202

PROGRAM: Professor Jay Huebner, University of North Florida
TITLE: A Possible Meteor Impact near Fort Caroline in August 1564

Jay Huebner has a BS degree in electrical engineering from Kansas State University, a MS in physics from San Diego State University and a PhD. in physics from The University of California at Riverside. He has additional training in Biophysics and Photo-Chemistry at Michigan State University, Georgia Tech, and Osnabrueck University (in Germany). He has also had training in Observational Astronomy at the Keck Observatory, which is on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

Dr. Huebner was a founding faculty member of the University of North Florida, where he has taught a variety of physics, engineering and other courses, including Astronomy, the Colonization of Space and the Impact of Asteroids. He is a Professor Emeritus and Visiting Research Professor in Physics at UNF where he currently conducts research on several types of chemical sensors he helped invent. This work has been supported with over $ 5 M through multiple grants and contracts mostly from the Department of Defense. Three US patents have been awarded on the technologies developed.